On Monday Amy, Lyla, my mom, and I started on the long trek from Prince Edward Island to Newfoundland. We had about a 5 hour drive, which included a ferry from PEI to North Sydney, where we caught the night crossing of the ferry.
It wasn't too bad the first day, we caught the ferry from PEI to Nova Scotia first which was nice because Lyla was able to get around a bit before our long drive. Our drive along the way was filled with Nursery Rhymes blaring from the stereo system and me and mom trying to shush Amy to be quiet so Lyla would take a nap. Finally, we were at North Sydney early and was able to get supper, then spent a couple of hours on the loading dock while waiting to board. Upstairs in a waiting area there was nobody around so we pitched camp there for the time being. It was filled with vacant chairs and a tv playing Wheel of Fortune, a huge room and luckily it was all bared off and safe for Lyla to crawl around. She was pretty cute there trying to push her stroller around in the waiting area. Since nobody was around I was able to change her and dress her in her night clothes.

Finally we went to board the new ferry, mom had the tickets in her hand a few moments earlier and we were looking at the number of our cabin. A lady stops us to scan our tickets and mom searches her pockets, can't find em. She looks in her purse, in the glove box, the floor, everywhere and they're not there. The lady finally had to pull us over to the side so the other cars could get by and mom finally had to admit to defeat and go back into the terminal to get her tickets replaced. Luckily, it was no trouble and we got on the ferry no problem. Once we get settled in our cabin, which are tiny compared to the older ferries, we notice that Lyla didn't have her soother. Any mother knows that when your child is addicted to a soother, breaking them of it while travelling is not going to help your already frayed nerves. So me and Amy go back down to the car to get the soother. I drop it off to mom and she says she'll stay in the cabin with Lyla and try to cuddle her to sleep. Me and Amy go off to check out the new boat, Amy was so excited. So we found a little snack shop on the boat that was selling hot dogs and chips and we sit down to eat. A few minutes later my cell phone rings. Mom's calling from the cabin and says that Lyla's soother is missing and she's searched the entire room.
Mom was changing Lyla on the bed and baby had the soother in her hand playing with it. Mom ripped her bed apart looking for it, got down and looked under the bunks and even went back to make sure Lyla didn't poke it into her diaper, she often tries to rip the diaper out from underneath her while we're changing her. So I did all of the same things with no luck. Finally we cease the search and lay down to try to get to sleep then mom starts searching her bra for the soother thinking maybe Lyla poked it down there because she picks at everything. Then a lightbulb went off in my head and I snatched Lyla up off the floor and start patting her down, low and behold there's the sookie in the leg of her sleepers. Thank the Lord! The soother didn't make much of a difference though, we were still up half the night with her. She bunked with me on a small cabin bunk and kept taking up half of the bed, oh my!
Other then that, the ferry ride was very smooth and we were very impressed. I was so glad to get off the boat though, then we had the long 10 hour drive across Newfoundland but right now I have to go to bed!
To be continued....
must be nice