My family

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Back to reality!

While I was away with my girls I enjoyed every moment.  It was so nice to just have two children and myself to worry about.  You don't realize just how busy your life is until you've had a chance to get away from it for awhile then come back to it.

I didn't want to come back!  My stomach was tied in knots the day before I left, I just didn't want the simplicity of the vacation to end.  We were not on any sort of schedule, all of us slept in till after nine in the morning and Lyla actually was the one that stayed in bed the longest.  We'd putter around in the mornings, get our breakfast, get dressed and get the girls ready for the day then Lyla would usually need a nap so we'd wait until she was awake before we'd go anywhere.  Each of us only had one drawer of clothes so there wasn't a mountain of laundry piled in front of the washer like there always is in my house.  Mom ended up doing most of it anyways so I got a real nice break from that.

I even finally had a day alone with Amy.  I hardly ever get to do anything just with her.  I took her shopping and we went to a movie, after that I let her play some games in the arcade, we had a ball.  For a couple of the days we didn't even go anywhere and I was perfectly content to do absolutely nothing, except of course feed and clothe the children.

For a couple of days after I got back on PEI, I was depressed and moody.  I came back and saw just how crazy our house is.  Ian goes non stop when he's awake.  We have locks on the tops of all the doors to keep him in the house so he doesn't escape without us noticing.  He climbs every surface in our house including the windows and the stove.  Aside from that, Maggie the puppy, is just crazy!  We can't have her in the house with the kids at all because she still nips at the kids and tries to chew on anything she can get at.  She drives me absolutely nuts!  Then I look around at my house and see how much work needs to be done.  There are dents and scratches in the walls and doors and I know there's no point in fixing them right now until Ian gets out of his hyper destructive phase, if he ever does!  I have no nick knacks around because they'd all be broken and hardly have anything on the walls for fear they'd be smashed.  Plus there's clutter everywhere, I'm not a good housekeeper at all and I just feel like I need to get a dump truck and just dump everything in it without looking at it. 

I know I'm blessed.  I know I have things other people don't have and that I'm lucky that I'm not dealing with really sick children and watching them suffer.  I know all of that.  It's just really hard to see the good things in life some days.  I just pray for strength, I always have.

On the other hand, when I picked up Ian from daycare yesterday, he said "Hello Mama" without being prompted!  Finally pairing words, that made mama happy!

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