Right now I'm the heaviest I've ever been without being pregnant. I've never really had a big problem with my weight before now but it's finally getting to me. I know I'm eating through emotions, half the time I'm not really hungry but I still pile the sugar in my mouth. I'm a carboholic, love everything carbs. Bread, cookies, cakes, chips, etc and hardly eat any fruits or vegetables.
I know why I'm eating too. I eat because I feel entitled to it. It's the only thing in my life that I can truly give to myself because I don't do anything else for myself. I get up, get the kids ready for the day, and go to work then come home, eat supper, chase the kids around and try to get them into bed. By the time I get them into bed I just breathe a huge sigh of relief and have a couple of hours to myself which I choose to park my butt in front of the TV and eat.
Why don't you take the kids for a walk you might ask, well the evenings around here are filled with mosquitoes and I hate the idea of putting pesticides on my children every evening. Why don't you go get a home gym or a bike you might ask, well if you've read my previous blogs, you'd see that my Ian is a climber and her would eventually hurt himself or break whatever I get.
I know, excuses, excuses! I just don't know what to do or how to change my eating habits. I know what I should eat, being a diabetic most of my life we do get lectured by the dietitians on what and how to eat. I could probably be a dietitian myself, I count carbs to figure out how much insulin to give myself so it's not from lack of knowledge.
So this is it for now, I've just got to try to cut out the evening snacking and try to eat better foods. Easier said than done!
Get the Glucerna...it's working for me & Donna.Just watch your insulin because you won't need as much.Two meals of that plus a piece of fruit or salad & then you can eat what you want for supper.
I was the same way, up to about two months ago I was heavier then I had ever been and only a few pounds off my pregnancy weight, I joined weight watchers because I love to eat and snack and so far so good I lost 12 pounds in the matter of a few weeks and I still eat plenty!