My family

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Making myself a priority

With the struggles I've been having with my children, it has been easy to forget about my own well-being.  This summer I've been living as a free for all and indulging in fried foods, chips, chocolate, ice cream, whatever.  Although it is okay in indulge every now and then, it's been a daily event.

While I was over to get Amy assessed for Aspergers, I had my yearly appointment with my Endocrinologist.  My LDL cholesterol = bad has risen from 3.0 last year to 3.3.  While these numbers aren't staggering for a normal person, for a person who's had diabetes for 21 years it's the start of a high risk complication.  So, either I buck up and stop eating crap or they'll put me on cholesterol medication for the rest of my life.  While a normal doctor would've put me on meds right then and there, she's trusting that I'll take care of myself but 3.5 will be the final straw.

So, how do I make myself a priority?  I'm trying to figure out what I can do to get active that I'll actually be interested and motivated in doing and worth keeping up.  I know I need to change my diet so this morning instead of my two slices of toast with cheese, I had oatmeal and yogurt and it actually kept me satisfied for awhile.  Now I'm here on the deck with my kids though, eating a bowl of Doritos, but I have to eat them to get them out of the house!  Baby steps I guess.  I'll try for my healths sake and for the kids sake so that I'll be around for them in the future because my disease can destroy me little by little if I let it happen.

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